HH2-Moisture Meter
The Moisture Meter reads and stores measurements taken with the following Delta-T soil moisture sensors:
Theta Probe, types ML3, SM300 soil moisture sensors, Profile Probe, types PR2-4 ,PR2-6 , Equitensiometer, type EQ2 WET sensors .
The meter can display and store, where appropriate, the following values for the measured readings:
- Raw data as milliVolt reading (mV)
- Soil wetness
- Soil water deficit (mm)
- Pore and bulk conductivity
- Bulk permittivity - Wet Sensor
- Temperature – Wet Sensor
Equitensiometers can only be read in mV.
Readings include the time and date for later collection from a PC.
Readings may be averaged. Note: averages cannot be stored for later collection from a PC.
The meter is easy to carry and operate with one hand.